Fruit & Loops

Riding the same loops over and over gets old. Today I set out to find something new and totally scored.  Not that new roads magically appeared, it was me connecting them in a new way.  Kinda like when your bike’s tired filthiness sneaks up on you and you bust out the Simple Green and throw on some new GP 4000 S II’s or some new bar tape.

Here’s the loop: that made me smile.

As for the fruit, I’m trying something new for post recovery:  macadamia nuts and an apple.  Protein, fat and low-glycemic sugar.  Yum.

To make a new loop or route,  I roll out with a general idea and let it unfold… if I hit a light, I might turn right to keep moving and see what happens.  Basically, I just go “where the wind blows”.  It not always be good, but at least it’s a change.

(It’s always good to see the sea.)

new loop